Monday, July 8, 2013

Advisor, Advisor, Where Art Thou?

I hope you all had a Happy 4th and caught some fabulous Firework shots!

As a student at AI there is a team of people put in place to help you.  Specifically YOU!  Your Admissions Counselor, Financial Counselor and Academic Counselor make up this team.  Notice they are called COUNSELORS because their job is to COUNSEL, to ADVISE, to HELP you!

1.   a person who counsels; adviser.

  [koun-suhl]  Show IPA noun, plural coun·sel for3, verb, coun·seled, coun·sel·ing or ( especially British )coun·selled, coun·sel·ling.
1.    advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another.
2.    interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation;deliberation.

If you do not know who your Academic Counselor is or how to contact him, here is some help.  This is screen shot of my home page.

Notice the big purple arrow on the right hand side?  This is where the name and contact information (phone and email) for your Academic Counselor can be found.

PLEASE take advantage of these men and women!  They are experts!  It is their job to help you wade through the logistics of your educational courses at AI.  Pick up the phone and really get to know them.  Give them a way to remember you (mine is easy, I have 10 kids – no one forgets that LOL). Get to know them a first name basis.

Our Advisors are also our advocates.  If you need something ASK them.  It never hurts to ask, the worst that can happen is youget told, “No,” and then you are no worse off then if you had never asked.  Let me leave you with an example.

I had a particular Instructor that I really “clicked” with.  She was encouraging and challenging and I grew a lot in her class.  I learned that there was another class she taught that I still needed to take and in fact she was teaching it soon.  She and I had been in contact and she indicated she would like to have me in class again. So I called my Advisor.  At first the response was, “Well I don’t know,” but with further explanation and discussions and a bit of persstence on my part, I got in the class with the Instructor I wanted! 
Advisors – they are just a phone call (or email) away.
Have questions?  I am happy to answer.  Or share your experience with your Advisor. 

It’s just another Manic Monday…..

Monday Ambassador