Friday, October 4, 2013

Stand Out!


Saturday Ambassador

Whether you are making your initial foray into the world of professional photography or you are already established, it is important to stand apart from your contemporaries. Consider the concept of branding: Some companies and their products are instantly recognizable by their logo and the colors they employ in their literature, labels and such make you think of that company.
Think about how this applies to you as a photographer and your future or existing business. How will you compete in such a congested environment?  It is imperative that you define yourself within your chosen genre as an exemplary photographer who can offer a more unique approach or a higher quality of service than your competitors.
Branding is the key. Several classes address this issue and provide an opportunity to create logos, branding statements, packaging designs, promotional materials and a portfolio with which to impress prospective clients or employers. Take this seriously, as it is paramount to success in the industry.
If you are at a loss for inspiration where branding is involved, consider the following:
·         What do you do really well?
·         In which genre do you intend to work?
·         Which colors and design elements exemplify your work?
·         Which font styles complement it?
·         On what type of background are your images best displayed?
·         What type of clientele are you seeking? Who is the audience for your work? How much do they make? What do they do for a living? What is their cultural background?
All of these things, and more, are relevant to the image you create for yourself and your business, as your customers need to relate to your presentation in some manner. Research what the competition is doing to determine what works and what doesn't. Then, improve on it. Your artwork is unique to you, and your professional image should be, too.
~Saturday Ambassador


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