Saturday, October 26, 2013

How Dedicated are You?

Saturday Ambassador

Stop and consider for a moment, "how dedicated are you?" If you are pursuing a degree, it is a costly endeavor in a variety of ways: Financially, of course; but the rigorous schedule also exacts a toll on your stamina, your ability to pursue other interests, even your sanity. Is it worth it? The answer to that is a personal matter, as each individual possesses a different set of priorities. However, if you decide that your destiny lies in the vastly competitive arena of photography, consider arranging your priorities accordingly.
For me, this is a life-changing career move in an uncertain economy, so it is very important that I succeed. I have set aside much of my personal life and made some drastic changes in my spending habits to make this feasible. Pursuing an education is so very important to me that I have cut the amount of hours I work in order to do both my job and my school work well. In turn, this negatively affects my income. It is a delicate balance, as I have only the one income and a host of financial responsibilities. However, this situation won't last forever – there is light at the end of the tunnel, as I have one class remaining next term.
I currently have a class which is totally incompatible with my job as an OTR truck driver; I am required to shoot a number of residential interiors and other assignments I simply cannot complete while on the road. I planned far in advance for this class and scheduled appointments with owners of all the structures I needed to photograph. I obtained a guaranteed time-at-home from my employer, so I could shoot six week's worth of assignments in 4 days. I do not recommend this to anyone, because, in order to do it well, you must also research extensively to master the required techniques for each shoot. In four years, I've had to do this 3 or 4 times, and I've always been successful because I possess a phenomenal amount of will power and determination. I strive for excellence in everything I do, and I do not believe that anything is impossible.
To exacerbate the situation, I fell off a ladder and injured my leg rather severely earlier in the week. My foot and leg swelled, there was significant bruising and a large hematoma formed on the shin (not to mention that it hurt a lot). Still, I had to conduct these shoots, for when else could I complete the assignments? In 4 days, I put 413 miles on my vehicle, walked around downtown Phoenix and several other locations, climbed ladders, knelt on the ground and carried equipment. I worked from before dawn until long after dusk and slept a few hours in the interim.
I don't recommend this either, but it got the job done, and admirably at that. You don't have to hobble about with an injury or shoot assignments weeks in advance; in fact you shouldn't. However, when extreme circumstances intervene on your road to success, rise to the occasion. You will gain valuable skills and a reputation for excellence.

~Saturday Ambassador


  1. Your dedications is truly amazing! I hope you leg is feeling better. I hope other students will be your determination and passion.

  2. I would never have guessed you completed all that work in such a short time and under painful conditions. Your images and perseverance are an inspiration!


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