Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oooooh, those Professors...

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to write about something that I know each of us as students face from time to time, and it's those darn Professors. They can often seem to add to stress, demand the impossible, and treat you as if they were angry or don't like you. How often do they grade your work, or critique your work, just to have your mouth drop open at what they say. I can't tell you how many times I have passed in work, thinking "I've got this", just to find out I was way off base. There is little more that can frustrate you, especially when you don't understand why they say something, or where they are coming from.

It is times like these that we as students have two options. Option 1: Allow the frustration to build up, create our own conclusions in our minds, take things personal, imagine our Professors a great big mean ogres, and eventually quit caring, if we don't quit school all together. This option, is completely avoidable, completely inaccurate, and completely unnecessary. There is, thankfully, option 2.

Option 2: Talk with your professor! Get your questions answered, smash through the confusion, garnish their wisdom and experience, learn from your mistakes. I have never had a Professor that has refused to talk with me either by phone, email, text, Skype, or through the classroom. Granted, sometimes they don't get right back to you, but remember, they work, have families, and many students to attend to.

Option 2, has many bonuses, both tangible and intangible. Your Professors are there for you! It's their job. They care, and will help you. When you are frustrated, speak up. When you don't understand something, ask your question. Don't isolate yourself, suffer in silence, create scenarios in your head that don't exist, and assume anything about your Professor. COMMUNICATION IS KEY!

This is my second degree, I have experience in working and gaining an education in an institute of higher learning. I have never met Professors that care and are so involved with their students more than right here at AIO. They are tough, they practice integrity, and YES, they will push you. What you have to realize, is that all of this, all of these teachers and their methods, add credibility to your degree. It is tough, and it should be.

I for one am grateful for their time, wisdom, experience, and toughness. It has made me a better student, photographer, and human being. Now it falls on you. If you are an apathetic, lazy, unmotivated student, consider this; you will be the same as a professional photographer. AIO is your proving ground. Take advantage of all it has to offer.

Lastly, if you make a mistake, admit it, seek guidance, get better, move on, and make a difference. The world has enough photographers, what it needs are great photographers.


1 comment:

  1. It's almost like you were in my head and pulled out all those words and put it on here. I could not agree with you more on this one. I cannot recall how many times I wanted to up and quit. If you just take a moment and think another way, it will come. I can also totally relate to being fully confident on an assignment to later being told that I was not even close. Great post!


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