Saturday, February 15, 2014

I have to do what...

Hey Everyone,

I certainly hope everyone caught in the snow storms path is doing well. This one was quite heavy where I live in the frozen North East. Anyway, I wanted to talk with you about something that I am certain many of us have dealt with as students at AIO. It's that moment when we all look at an particular assignment, or even as a class as a whole, scratch our heads and say...huh?

Thoughts like, "I'm going to be a Photographer, why do I need this?" - or - "This assignment is ridiculous, what does it have to do with (insert class name here)?" I can't tell you how often this has happened to me. How about when you take one class, and it seems annoyingly similar to a class you've just finished?

I learned early on that there are two facts which I cannot change, and two facts which I can. First of all, AIO and those that give the institute accreditation have decided that each of the assigned classes as structured are necessary and reasonable to achieve whatever degree level you are working on. The second fact which I cannot change is that, the assignments are due, when they are due, like it or not.

The two facts that I am capable of changing is my attitude toward an assignment. Yes, I get it, no one wants to write a 100 page business plan, or a 1,000 word essay on a fellow classmates presentation as a critique. However, each assignment we are given is geared toward to important goals. First, to teach us new skills, and second, to prepare us for a professional career.

The second fact that I am able to change is the outcome of an assignment. So long as there isn't anything beyond my control going on, and regardless of what I may think of an assignment at the time, I will give it my best. There are two bonuses to this, first is the little nugget of knowledge you discover by working hard for the assignment, and satisfaction of a job well done.

Once I discovered the truth behind the assignments and class setup, I actually began to appreciate the challenges that were presented before me. AIO is attempting to set you up for success. Every assignment is geared toward a final, every final is geared toward the next class, and every class is geared toward that degree. Finally, that degree is geared toward your success.

You can get a degree from anywhere, however, you won't always find a school like AIO, that is setup to teaching you everything you need to step out of school and right into business. You will have not only most of the knowledge you need, but some practical experience, most if not all of the necessary equipment and software, and some great networking with classmates and Professors. 

I know these assignments can seem huge, daunting, even ridiculous, they are however, necessary. If you want to graduate, you have got to do them. Take a chance, adjust the attitude, give it your best. You may find like me, that the thing you dreaded doing, was the thing you needed most.


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