Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Let's Shoot

Greetings fellow shooters! Tuesday Ambassador Stanley, here welcoming you to another Tuesday. Unfortunately, this post will be rather short due to some troubling times of a corrupt Lightroom catalog in which I have been dealing with the repairs for the past couple of days. So in the troubling times of photography is where I will delve quickly into the side of me that is not in school.

©2014 Stanley/Demand Media
Yes, this post is one that rather “toots my own horn” so to speak, but I will also tell you that my time working for this editorial company is a rather pleasant one. As some of you may know I have been hired by Demand Media Studios, an online editorial, work from home job based out of the state of Washington. While the pay is not great by any means, it does take very little time to complete an assignment on a two week deadline. Once accepted it’s just another thing to tack on to my list of publications. However, I would like to note that approximately 99.8% of the assignments listed will not apply to you as it can be very specific, or there is no return on investment to even warrant creating the assignment.

©2014 Stanley/Demand Media
Well this would be a perfect time to mention a future publication happening in late June of this year with one of “your’s truly” photos making the finals in the “Photographer’s Forum” “Best of College and High School Photography” contest. I sure hope someone reading this could say the same. However, isn't the field of photography putting yourself out there to the world? Perhaps many of you reading this have not made it that far in your studies to warrant a right or wrong answer. I will just put it to you plain and simple. You need to get yourself out there and known to the world with whatever it is that interests you. How you go about doing is completely up to you but I warn you that your reviewer is looking for something different! I just hope that you have a portfolio to back up what you say about your work.

©2014 Stanley/Demand Media
So what are you waiting for?! Do some Google searching on photography contests and maybe even some jobs in your area. If you cannot seem to find any jobs in your area then I suggest the next time you log into school take a look at the “Career Resources” under the “Student Services” drop down menu and go the “Job Search Guide,” right now though. If you have not already done so I would recommend creating and fully updating a LinkedIn account as you will be using it in Business of Photography not just for assignments, but maybe for some serious job hunting. Seriously if you have downtime from school and are seriously getting bored why not take a look at your options. Trust me, I did not get where I am today by thinking about what I want to do. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. And as always, thanks for reading.

- Tues. Amb. Stanley

All photos courtesy of me and Demand Media. But mostly me given that I re-uploaded them. Yes, the contract says I can do this.
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