Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hello and Welcome to the Photography Students Professional Network Blog!  There are seven current students in the Art Institutes Online Photography Program that will be writing here.  One for each day of the week, so our names will be Monday Ambassador, Tuesday Ambassador, etc.  The reason for this is that as people graduate or move on, other students will take over the role of Ambassador.  Maybe one day one of you reading this will be an Ambassador!

So what are we here for?  We are here for YOU!  Each day at 8am PST we will post a blog on some topic relevant to online photography students at Ai.  Then we will be available periodically throughout the day to answer questions and help in any way we can.  So, PLEASE take advantage of this and leave comments and contact us!  We want to help you get the most out of your experience!

Make sure you head over to Google Plus and find the Photography Students Professional Network page also.  There all kinds of goodies posted by a variety of people (including faculty).  In fact, just the other day Mary Yates posted about National Geographic Photographer Jim Richardson and taking photos in the rain.  Check out his recommendation for a “Storm Jacket”!

So I am hanging out today, ready and willing to answer questions and help you in any way I can.  Need input on a current assignment? I would be happy to review it.  And if nothing else, write a quick note to say, "Hi," and let us know you are here!  

It’s just another Manic Monday…… 

~Monday Ambassador