Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's 5-10 Tuesday

It’s Top 5-10 Tuesday!

Good morning everyone and welcome to another great Tuesday.  I am your Tuesday Ambassador and I am here to help and assist in every way, shape or form that I can.  I’d love to hear what you are all up and am also happy to answer any questions you might have about the AiP Online Photography Program.  Please post to the thread below and I will check periodically throughout the day!
When I was in my first year of studies, I had to do some papers and projects that involved people that I have never heard before.  Has anyone had that problem?  With this in mind I have decided to post some names here that might be of interest for some, new for other, but overall I think that is good information to have.
I came across this “top ten list”, and I would love to hear you opinion about it:
The Big Ten Icons of Photography every Student must know!
1.    Alfred Stieglitz
2.    Ansel Adams
3.    Diane Arbus
4.    Cindy Sherman
5.    Arthur Fellig
6.    David LaChapelle
7.    Sally Mann
8.    Bruce Davidson
9.    Walker Evans
10. Robert Frank
Want to follow and read the whole article, here is the link to it: http://my.uarts.edu/blog/creativeconsumption/2011/07/11/the-big-10-icons-of-photography-every-student-must-know/
What do you think?  Do any of these names sound familiar to you?  Maybe, maybe not, to me some of them were unheard of when I started and since some of you might be in the same boat, I made another list.  Want to see more information, click on each name and it will take you to another page of images from the artist.
Here is “Tuesday Ambassador Top 5 Photographers that you might or might not know but were afraid to ask”

1.     Annie Leibovitz
Famous photographer that has taken images of famous people, you might recognize some of them.  She likes to mix imagery with portrait characteristics in a very unique way!

Whoopi Goldberg in bath of milk by Annie Leibovitz

Jessica Biehl as Pocahontas by Annie Leibovitz

Controversial to say the least, his images opened eyes and helped in creating a new way of looking at people.  Me, I think he was strange!
Patty Smith by Robert Mapplethorpe, 1976

Ken Moody & Robert Sherman by Robert Mapplethorpe, 1984

3.    George Hurrell
Know as the “Master of Hollywood Glamour” he created images with flair and use lighting as no one ever did before him.
Carole Lombard by George Hurrell


4.    Henri Cartier-Bresson
French photographer considered by many to be the father of modern photojournalism.

5.    Steve McCurry
Some might remember him for the portrait of the Afghan Girl, one of the most famous images published by National Geographic Magazine.

Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry, 1984
So there you go, I know that some of you might be wondering: “he forgot about this one or that one”!  Well, drop me a line and let me know, we all benefit with the interaction and posting, so drop me a line and tell me what you think.
Until later, see you around cyberspace.