Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What is a Rubric?

What is a rubric? How to read a rubric to get all your points

Another very good Wednesday morning to you. It is currently storming outside my window and my boys have their noses glue to the window panes watching the lightning flashes and listening for all the thunder.

If you have children then I am sure you can picture two little boys in their pajamas on the couch.

Well on to why you should allows make sure that you pay attention to your Rubric.

Well what is a Rubric to start with? The dictionary refers to it as " a statement of purpose or function" .

I always read it as, "Don't forget to check this list because I will lose points" list.

This rubric is normally in addition to you assignment requirements and lists the specifics on what is required for your assignment submission. Don't get confused here because you also have additional notes from your Professor, as well as additional tips and comments in your discussion feed.

You should always see the rubric as the official rules and regulations.

This is what you get graded on. The points to the right gives you an indication on the amount of content. It is not written in stone, but more information and details is always better than to little.

This what you are graded on, in addition to the other requirements within your assignment.

So, as you can see it is very easy to follow and it is normally set out in such a manner that you just need to follow the sequence as it is listed.

NB! One important point to remember here. Sometimes the feedback you need to give to your peers might not all be listed as the last day of the week. It changes all the time so pay attention to the date listed here as well.

Now there is no reason not to obtain full marks, (well only if you provide all the facts and information required) for any of your assignments. 

So have a great week and I leave you with this great quote from Zig Ziglar.

Ps: We have a great session on giving back to the community and how you can expand your business in the process. Please join us. 

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