Saturday, January 4, 2014

The End Is Near!

Saturday Ambassador
Greetings, Constant Reader! I have been your Saturday Ambassador since the program began last June, but graduation draws nigh, and it is time for me to relinquish my role to another creative and dedicated student.

Plains Escalante Generating Station, Prewitt, New Mexico, Deva Mayorga-Malone, 2013
My name is Deva Mayorga-Malone: Photographer, writer and adventurer. I am 44 years old and embarking upon a completely new career at this point in my life. The prospect is at once terrifying and exhilarating, but it is definitely worth the risk.

Please allow me to offer a few parting pieces of advice:

· Punctuality:Whether you are meeting your friend for lunch, turning in your assignment or showing up for work, be on time! This is so very important, as it not only avoids inconvenience to others’ schedules, but also demonstrates respect for others and that you care about your commitments.

· Consistency:Developing a workflow for your life is no different than generating one for your photography. Although you should absolutely be creative and explore new possibilities, some form of consistency will allow you to cultivate a recognizable brand. Determine which font styles, colors, graphic elements, layouts, et cetera best represent you and use them in every document you produce.

Be consistent in your approach to everything else, as well; produce work at a high level, turn it in on time and critique your peers with honesty.

· Organization:Create a filing system for your important papers, your computer files and your images; few things are more frustrating than not being able to find something important when you need it. In addition, get your priorities in order and plan your day accordingly. That sporting event you wanted to see on television is on right now, but is it really worth ignoring your current assignment? The homework you do prepares you for your future career, and your approach to your academic commitments sets a precedent for the level of success you will achieve.

· Professionalism: There is no time like the present to begin developing the attitude that will define your business persona. Be polite – a little courtesy goes a long way toward maintaining good relationships. Be honest, as well. Untruth breeds all manner of unpleasantness, including misinformation, distrust and a poor public image, no matter how well-intentioned.

· Creativity:Although this sounds rather obvious – we are art students, after all – it is very easy to get into an artistic rut. Survey the direction of your work from time to time to determine if it is becoming stagnant. If you are producing the same compositions, poses, lighting setups, et cetera because you found something popular that works, that is great…to an extent. However, your viewers will soon become bored and move on. Change is exciting, and true innovation will set you apart in a very crowded field.
As you move forward in your academic pursuits, consider the things you expect from others and strive to exceed these expectations in yourself. The level of greatness you can achieve is dependent upon how hard you are willing to work and how dedicated you are to your goals. Strive for excellence in everything you do!
~Saturday Ambassador

1 comment:

  1. Deva-What a wonderful blog to end with you. Your blogs have been insightful, engaging and dynamic. Your work is inspiring to not only students but to faculty as well. It has been a pleasure to see how you on board as a student Ambassador you truly have represented the school well and are a true leader.


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