Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I originally planned on writing about how you should learn, retain, and utilize the lessons learned in all of your early classes in all of your future classes.  I had planned on writing a scathing depiction of how the people in my class made up and misused the terminology and concepts associated with the 7 elements of design and the 7 principles of design.  When I went back and read the assignments turned in by students well into their third year of study (some in their fourth and on the verge of graduation) I realized that it wasn't that they didn't understand the elements/principles of design.  It is that they (and by they I mean some, not all, but most) didn't follow the directions as presented to them in the assignment.

This is hardly the first time that I have noticed this in a class.  I have even gone so far as to e-mail instructors to ensure that I have not completely misunderstood an assignment.  It does however concern me that so many people decide that instead of answering the question or present the assignment as required by the directions, decide to answer whatever question they THINK they read, or ASSUMED that they read.

Maybe, they didn't read the text or the online lectures.  I mean sure if they had they would have at least been in the ballpark.  So why are they all playing a different sport?  At what point do you as a student feel so entitled to doing whatever you want that you miss the point of the assignment as a whole.

In all honestly I can't wait to read the comments on my post in the discussion.  I am sure I will be asked by more than one person what my thoughts are on "blah, blah, blah".  My reply will be "That was not a requirement for this assignment so I didn't feel that it added to the discussion" or something to that effect.

But I digress.  I am here to help guide and mentor new and upcoming photography students, not vent about my issues with 3rd year students.  Here's my sage advice this week.


These are the keys to success in any class, not just online.

I know I took 700 words to get to the point, but it's important.

Oh and case you were wondering...

There are seven (7) ELEMENTS of DESIGN:

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Direction
  • Size
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Value
There are also seven (7) PRINCIPLES of DESIGN:
  • Balance
  • Gradation
  • Repetition
  • Contrast
  • Harmony
  • Dominance
  • Unity (Lovett).

Now i just need to figure out what to rant about next week  *cough* *cough* MLA *cough* *cough*

Works Cited
Lovett, John. "Elements and Principles of Design." John Lovett. John Lovett, 1999. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.
Rau, William Herman. Low Grade Crossing at Whitford. 1904. Photograph. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. 84.XO.766.3.4.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this blog! Paying attention to the small details of assignments and in the field is a sign of a true professional- it is not that hard- it just takes time and discipline- as you mentioned!

    The screaming headline definitely got my attention!


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