Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Miley Cyrus did what!!!

VMA Miley
If this is where you expected me to go into graphic detail about Miley and her gyrations at the VMA's this weekend, you're on the wrong blog.  But if you want to know how Miley and her PR machine relate to you as a student, then read on.

We all know Miley Cyrus (whether we want to or not).  Personally I am not a fan.  But that's not really the point. The point is we have all seen her grow up in front of the world.  From a 14-year old Disney product to the adult (I mean grown up) singer and entertainer she is today.  This past week end she reminded us that is definitely not Hannah Montana anymore.

OK so now I'm sure you're saying 'get to the point already, Wednesday' and here it is.  Miley has gone out of her way recently to break free from the mold that she was cast in early in her career.  She is branching out and showing us a new side to her artistry and personality.  Ten years from now, if she is still relevant, we may see another shift in her artistic and public persona.  This is the same thing you should be doing as an artist.  You should constantly be trying to show the world who YOU are.  Don't settle for being labeled as what THEY think you are.

Your photography is a reflection of yourself.  It's created by you, even if it's done for a client, it is still YOUR work and YOUR vision.  So when you feel like you are trapped in a mold, created from SOMEONE ELSE'S vision, then it's time to break free.  Show the world your nude, latex bikini and get out there and twerk it(metaphorically speaking of course).

Works Cited
Miley Cyrus Backstage. Mirror. MGN, 27 Aug. 2013. Web. 27 Aug. 2013. <>.

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